a function for gss analysis description
printGSS(object, threshold)
object | a dataframe to describe from fitGSS() function |
threshold | numeric, a threshold for Kullback-Leibler projection |
a description
the input object is a fitGSS result and printGSS() prints the 2nd element of it (a dataframe with the Kullback-Leibler projection). The colnames of this dataframe are Genosce, ratio, kl, check. The outlier curves are identified with the Kullback-Lleiber distance higher than a given threshold, see (Gu, 2014). Final identification of outlier is done by an operator over genotypes when the test is significant.
data(plant1) selec<-c("Lo1199_H","Lo1124_H","Lo1038_H","A3_H") mydata<-plant1[plant1[,"genotypeAlias"] %in% selec,] fm1<-fitGSS(datain=mydata,trait="biovolume",loopId="genotypeAlias") printGSS(object=fm1,threshold=0.05)#> [1] genotypeAlias ratio kl check #> <0 lignes> (ou 'row.names' de longueur nulle)