
Detection of outliers in time courses of an experiment in PhenoArch greenhouse. In this vignette, we use a toy data set of the openSilexStatR library (anonymized real data set).

Please, have a look on the names of the columns of the input data set. The function is not generic and needs specific columns names in the input data set:

  • Line: the x-coordinate in the lattice (numeric)
  • Position: the y-coordinate in the lattice (numeric)
  • Ref: a unique identifiant by pot, repetition and alias
  • scenario: the scenario applied to the experiment
  • genotypeAlias: the used genotypes in the experiment

The example is conducted on plantHeight parameter, we modelise the plantHeight taking into account the temporality (thermal time) and the spatiality (lattice structure) with a bayesian spatio-temporal ANOVA model [3].

To detect outlier points, we retrieve the standardised residuals computed by the model and a point is an outlier if abs(res) > threshold (here threshold==4). the user will be able to change this threshold.

We produced the output of the model as well as some graphics.

Import of data

The input dataset must contain some predefined columns, have a look to the structure of mydata:



## 'data.frame':    47022 obs. of  14 variables:
##  $ Ref            : Factor w/ 1680 levels "manip1_10_10_WW",..: 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 ...
##  $ experimentAlias: Factor w/ 1 level "manip1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ Day            : Factor w/ 42 levels "2013-02-01","2013-02-02",..: 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 10 11 12 ...
##  $ potAlias       : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ scenario       : Factor w/ 2 levels "WD","WW": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ genotypeAlias  : Factor w/ 274 levels "11430_H","A310_H",..: 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 ...
##  $ repetition     : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ Line           : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ Position       : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ thermalTime    : num  1.29 2.65 3.98 5.32 6.66 ...
##  $ plantHeight    : num  140 151 213 239 271 ...
##  $ leafArea       : num  0.018 0.019 0.0208 0.0222 0.0235 ...
##  $ biovolume      : num  0.253 0.62 1.201 1.68 3.396 ...
##  $ Repsce         : Factor w/ 15 levels "1_WD","1_WW",..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...

CARBayesST library

A bayesian approach to model these data where the spatio-temporal structure is modelled via sets of autocorrelated random effets. Conditional autoregressive (CAR) priors and spatio-temporal extensions thereof are typically assigned to these random effects to capture the autocorrelation, which are special cases of a Gaussian Markov random Filed (GMRF) [3].

ST.CARanova() decomposes the spatio-temporal variation into 3 components:

  • an overall spatial effect common to all time periods
  • an overall temporal trend common to all spatial units
  • a set of independent space-time interactions

we can add others factors (here the scenario (quali) …)

The spatio-temporal auto-correlation is modelled by a common set of spatial random effect and a common set of temporal random effects and both are modelled by the CAR prior (Conditional AutoRegressive).

Description of the results’s table:

  • Median: posterior median estimation
  • 2.5 and 97.5%: 95% credible interval
  • Geweke.diag: the convergence diagnostic implemented in the coda package. takes form of a Z-score, so the convergence is suggested by the statistic being within the range (-1.96; 1.96)

Model fit criteria

  • DIC: deviance information criterion
  • p.d: its corresponding estimated effective number of parameters
  • WAIC: the Watanabe-Akaike information criterion
  • p.w: its corresponding estimated number of effective parameters
  • LMPL: the log marginal predictive likelihood

In model’s comparison, the best fitting model is the one that minimises the DIC and WAIC but maximises the LMPL.

As the bayesian model can take a while, in this example, we initialise burnin=10 and n.sample=110 - not enough in real analysis!

  # We suppress observations with missing data in time variable (here thermalTime)
## [1] 22.35558

## Setting up the model.
## Generating 100 post burnin and thinned (if requested) samples.
  |                                                                      |   0%
  |=                                                                     |   1%
  |=                                                                     |   2%
  |==                                                                    |   3%
  |===                                                                   |   4%
  |====                                                                  |   5%
  |====                                                                  |   6%
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## Summarising results.
## Finished in  138.8 seconds.
##            used  (Mb) gc trigger   (Mb) max used  (Mb)
## Ncells  3642614 194.6    5520292  294.9  3642614 194.6
## Vcells 67027796 511.4  212701377 1622.8 67027796 511.4
  # print the result of the bayesian modelling
##                              Median      2.5%      97.5% Geweke.diag
## (Intercept)                789.1258  769.8793   809.8913        -2.3
## scenarioWW                   5.0597    0.8237     8.4879        -1.8
## genotypeAliasA310_H        -31.6065  -53.5133   -10.8240        -0.7
## genotypeAliasA347         -291.4734 -346.1374  -259.5544         2.0
## genotypeAliasA347_H         -9.4935  -35.1732    32.5818         3.7
## genotypeAliasA374_H         62.2399   24.6144    92.4539         0.6
## genotypeAliasA375_H         94.3326   76.7937   117.1912        -3.6
## genotypeAliasA3_H           84.8671   53.7670   100.8658         1.4
## genotypeAliasA554_H        -71.3099 -101.7732   -38.5134         1.8
## genotypeAliasAS5707_H       38.1778    3.7827    67.4886         0.6
## genotypeAliasB100_H         23.8927  -10.7963    58.7000         3.3
## genotypeAliasB104_H        -36.1082  -76.1128     2.5110         0.0
## genotypeAliasB105_H        -45.0814  -75.0145   -18.0219         0.0
## genotypeAliasB106_H         40.6225    5.8670    82.8446        -0.2
## genotypeAliasB107_H        -65.6608 -100.2115   -40.4276        -0.3
## genotypeAliasB108_H         37.3071  -26.5343    69.7652       -12.3
## genotypeAliasB109_H         27.1687    4.9619    59.8399        -2.3
## genotypeAliasB110_H        -34.1206  -71.1262     5.3274         0.4
## genotypeAliasB113_H         25.3901  -28.1445    64.6275         1.4
## genotypeAliasB14a_H        -87.2072 -111.0793   -49.4009         5.6
## genotypeAliasB37_H         -44.5693  -86.6378   -15.8982         0.5
## genotypeAliasB73          -156.9179 -196.9022  -110.0927         1.6
## genotypeAliasB73_H          16.5924  -18.5922    50.5890         2.3
## genotypeAliasB73_SILK      -13.6384  -39.6926    23.5033        -1.3
## genotypeAliasB84_H          -0.5810  -49.5477    38.6836        -1.3
## genotypeAliasB89_H         -31.2775  -80.3974     5.0282        -3.8
## genotypeAliasB97_H          90.6655   40.2888   123.8072         0.3
## genotypeAliasB98_H         -85.2713 -106.2585   -53.9576         0.2
## genotypeAliasC103_H          5.0336  -37.4723    27.2470         1.1
## genotypeAliasCO109_H        -1.6207  -29.9578    27.8305         0.1
## genotypeAliasCR1Ht_H        10.9217  -16.5854    53.2746         0.5
## genotypeAliasD09_H          29.3918  -15.9286    49.9769        -7.5
## genotypeAliasDE811_H       -90.6326 -108.4585   -59.8798        -0.1
## genotypeAliasDK2MA22_H      81.5465   58.6133   106.6624        -0.1
## genotypeAliasDK4676A_H     -36.0684  -66.4866    13.7882        -0.8
## genotypeAliasDK78010_H     -61.9133  -86.8355   -19.3594        -0.2
## genotypeAliasDK78371A_H      1.7957  -21.5624    15.6482         1.7
## genotypeAliasDKFAPW_H      -25.0512  -45.8046    11.8085        -1.7
## genotypeAliasDKFBHJ_H       47.5936   16.6545    84.8306         0.3
## genotypeAliasDKIBO2_H       -7.8186  -29.5641    16.4004         3.4
## genotypeAliasDKMBST_H      102.3405   73.5257   129.6724        -2.5
## genotypeAliasEA1027_H       52.0809    5.1974    83.5798        -2.1
## genotypeAliasEA1163_H       -5.2095  -42.5073    32.8080        -3.0
## genotypeAliasEA3076_H      -18.9045  -53.2195    11.2809        -1.7
## genotypeAliasEC136_H       -18.8040  -41.5599    -1.4261        -0.8
## genotypeAliasEC140_H       -73.8020  -98.5111   -53.7462        -3.8
## genotypeAliasEC151_H       -68.5053 -125.2913   -43.3861        -3.5
## genotypeAliasEC169_H       -16.3148  -45.7585     4.7795         0.9
## genotypeAliasEC175_H       -53.2710  -83.6437   -36.5791        -1.8
## genotypeAliasEC232_H       -20.0695  -70.0898    -2.3298        -1.3
## genotypeAliasEC242C_H       26.9978  -32.6042    64.7961         2.7
## genotypeAliasEC334_H       -76.6495 -102.1347   -52.0159         0.4
## genotypeAliasEP10_H         46.6883   19.3753    76.0120         0.4
## genotypeAliasEP2008-18_H    33.9042   -6.1957    53.0412         1.2
## genotypeAliasEP2008-22_H    11.4261  -24.6468    35.9063         2.4
## genotypeAliasEP29_H        -59.8603  -81.1789   -32.7272        -1.1
## genotypeAliasEP51_H        -33.1826  -90.4161     9.5249        -2.8
## genotypeAliasEP52_H          7.5433   -7.7806    34.5417        -1.4
## genotypeAliasEP55_H       -132.6336 -158.0428  -108.6033         4.1
## genotypeAliasEP67_H          0.6530  -25.7210    51.2536        -0.7
## genotypeAliasEP72_H         27.4721  -14.9591    49.0887         0.7
## genotypeAliasEP77_H         99.5765   64.2801   136.7359         0.3
## genotypeAliasEZ11A_H       -39.2953  -86.3965   -13.1856         1.5
## genotypeAliasEZ18_H         26.0612    1.0650    57.3930        -0.6
## genotypeAliasEZ31_H         60.4100   21.1816    96.4638        -1.5
## genotypeAliasEZ34_H        -48.1943  -79.7719    -1.5748        -1.6
## genotypeAliasEZ35_H        -14.6472  -45.5773    22.2358        -4.1
## genotypeAliasEZ36_H        -45.0150  -83.9646     1.2946         5.1
## genotypeAliasEZ37_H        -32.2826  -55.0748    -4.7252         0.0
## genotypeAliasEZ38_H        -22.0290  -53.7416     7.4692        -0.2
## genotypeAliasEZ40_H        -70.9698 -112.1738   -43.9648        -1.9
## genotypeAliasEZ42_H        -52.2353  -79.6463   -23.0109        -0.7
## genotypeAliasEZ47_H         62.6740   24.0514    87.8071        -0.1
## genotypeAliasEZ48_H         14.0183  -22.0985    48.2011        -0.7
## genotypeAliasEZ53_H        -74.1028 -102.6507   -30.1623        -3.9
## genotypeAliasEZ5_H          26.7060    6.9257    61.0339         0.7
## genotypeAliasF04401_H      -31.4035  -53.2366    -4.4456         0.4
## genotypeAliasF04402_H      -77.5216 -112.2109   -54.3325        -0.4
## genotypeAliasF04701_H      -28.7023  -58.0293    -0.0631        -1.5
## genotypeAliasF04702_H       27.6270    0.7867    51.2064        -2.5
## genotypeAliasF05101_H       80.4315   42.9681   111.0378         0.5
## genotypeAliasF05404_H       46.6131   17.8816    70.9081        -1.0
## genotypeAliasF1808_H        -9.8075  -43.2317     9.7917         4.6
## genotypeAliasF1890_H        41.2684   -0.7654    79.9087        -2.5
## genotypeAliasF218_H        -33.0417  -69.6055    -6.3558        -4.7
## genotypeAliasF252_H         70.4609   22.6894    93.5266        -5.4
## genotypeAliasF353         -124.3517 -198.2351   -86.9601         1.8
## genotypeAliasF353_H         99.5496   68.3792   140.9172         3.0
## genotypeAliasF354_H         17.5394  -30.6944    41.7917         1.9
## genotypeAliasF584_H        -39.1503  -80.8775   -11.1845        -1.7
## genotypeAliasF608_H         34.5193   -0.7889    78.4127        -2.9
## genotypeAliasF618_H        -10.0301  -40.8263    28.4285         0.4
## genotypeAliasF7001_H       -20.3955  -56.5213    12.8960        -0.3
## genotypeAliasF7019_H        34.3594   -1.1819    59.3596        -0.9
## genotypeAliasF7025_H       -48.6501  -78.0695   -11.1032         0.4
## genotypeAliasF7028_H        38.9339   17.0080    65.9701         0.9
## genotypeAliasF7057_H         5.2002  -20.8543    32.6682         1.9
## genotypeAliasF7058_H        21.3338  -36.0228    53.9361        -2.0
## genotypeAliasF7081_H        53.5041   17.0029    86.4948         0.9
## genotypeAliasF7082_H        45.9980    9.0246    72.3844         1.0
## genotypeAliasF712_H         75.2930   38.2709   103.3222        -1.6
## genotypeAliasF748_H        -56.4360 -108.0607   -31.7268        -3.7
## genotypeAliasF752_H        -22.8158  -56.9289    28.5490        -2.5
## genotypeAliasF816_H         27.3965    0.4608    52.8988        -2.4
## genotypeAliasF838_H        -22.8282  -62.5700    14.6101         0.3
## genotypeAliasF874_H         29.7280  -36.0930    65.5741        -5.0
## genotypeAliasF888_H         50.5120    6.4823    92.5947         0.1
## genotypeAliasF894_H        -85.6167 -117.2810   -39.4607        -0.5
## genotypeAliasF908_H        -37.8413  -66.3360   -15.1863         1.1
## genotypeAliasF912_H         49.6091   21.6496    69.8835         0.3
## genotypeAliasF918_H         11.9352  -17.3708    41.2382        -1.1
## genotypeAliasF922_H        152.2907  111.4490   183.0062        -4.6
## genotypeAliasF924         -213.2465 -269.3964  -182.3181         2.5
## genotypeAliasF924_H         40.2170   -0.5559    80.3479         5.7
## genotypeAliasF924_SILK     -27.5185  -60.0102    -0.7748        -1.3
## genotypeAliasF98902_H       96.6630   42.7745   152.4120        -0.7
## genotypeAliasFP1_H          86.6334   36.6928   143.2701        -2.2
## genotypeAliasFR19_H          4.4358  -29.7473    33.8558        -1.8
## genotypeAliasH99_H           3.2519  -47.0806    24.3061        -7.8
## genotypeAliasHMV5301_H     137.5422   72.9638   173.1583        -3.4
## genotypeAliasHMV5325_H       6.5179  -13.0006    31.6095         4.1
## genotypeAliasHMV5343_H     -44.8345  -72.8181   -21.8152        -0.5
## genotypeAliasHMV5347_H      13.0434   -9.0695    46.6929         0.6
## genotypeAliasHMV5405_H      66.7004   43.8041    96.0180        -2.2
## genotypeAliasHMV5409_H     -58.1978  -85.3125   -37.1883        -2.9
## genotypeAliasHMV5422_H      32.6197    9.1898    58.0357         3.9
## genotypeAliasHMV5502_H     -71.4391 -108.4259   -44.0211        -4.7
## genotypeAliasI198_H         21.3798  -19.2664    59.5909        -1.9
## genotypeAliasI205_H       -120.5309 -156.3450   -87.8246         1.4
## genotypeAliasI211_H         25.6355   -4.0933    43.6974         2.2
## genotypeAliasI233_H        -23.1715  -50.5330     1.5354        -0.8
## genotypeAliasI238_H        -89.2717 -126.1546   -50.6716        -1.4
## genotypeAliasI242_H        -35.4572  -73.0912     3.3589         0.0
## genotypeAliasI261_H        -23.7325  -52.1576    -2.8900         3.4
## genotypeAliasI267_H         47.5455   22.7703    94.8904         0.3
## genotypeAliasIDT_H           3.8472  -40.0197    45.8599        -2.5
## genotypeAliasLAN496_H        0.6580  -49.7522    17.8352         0.0
## genotypeAliasLH123Ht_H      44.4655   18.5920    79.5700         0.5
## genotypeAliasLH145_H       -70.7817 -126.0444   -24.1837        -1.3
## genotypeAliasLH38         -153.4844 -177.0984  -116.9854         2.5
## genotypeAliasLH38_H         40.8373    1.5949    69.2436         1.7
## genotypeAliasLH39_H         14.7957  -26.6671    53.0947        -2.5
## genotypeAliasLH59_H        -17.9935  -59.2416    31.4904        -2.5
## genotypeAliasLH60_H        -30.6832  -80.3048     1.2492        -6.5
## genotypeAliasLH65_H        -34.3487  -69.3386    12.9737        -1.4
## genotypeAliasLH74_H        -89.9754 -134.8108   -64.6637        -0.4
## genotypeAliasLH82_H        -19.6203  -46.2276    12.7282         0.1
## genotypeAliasLH93_H         29.9592  -26.5677    54.6645        -5.6
## genotypeAliasLo1016_H       34.2114   -2.3664    93.5648        -1.3
## genotypeAliasLo1026_H        5.6793  -14.6983    44.3973         1.1
## genotypeAliasLo1035_H      -28.3909  -49.7111    -8.5025        -1.4
## genotypeAliasLo1038_H      -45.6067  -95.2249   -13.1987         1.0
## genotypeAliasLo1056_H       24.2675   -3.3063    42.9484        -1.6
## genotypeAliasLo1063_H      -30.9128  -52.9641    -3.9237         4.6
## genotypeAliasLo1087_H      -87.5644 -110.5211   -62.6698         2.9
## genotypeAliasLo1094_H       37.9743   10.6036    65.4601        -0.4
## genotypeAliasLo1095_H       21.1853   -0.3556    51.3739         4.0
## genotypeAliasLo1101_H      -38.1653  -83.2291    -1.6888        -3.7
## genotypeAliasLo1106_H      -51.8947  -74.3595   -23.4128         1.8
## genotypeAliasLo1123_H       21.7625  -16.4428    73.3661        -1.4
## genotypeAliasLo1124_H        6.4539  -13.9844    29.3269        10.7
## genotypeAliasLo1130_H      -30.5914  -61.0278     2.4594        -3.4
## genotypeAliasLo1172_H       99.5022   76.0300   127.6428         0.8
## genotypeAliasLo1180_H       32.2811   11.6327    67.3551        -0.2
## genotypeAliasLo1187_H      -37.0427  -76.3774   -16.7685        -1.9
## genotypeAliasLo1199_H      -27.2459  -51.9899    -8.5974         1.3
## genotypeAliasLo1203_H      -19.8831  -43.6734    18.7033        -1.7
## genotypeAliasLo1223_H       36.6878   20.3723    61.2374         1.1
## genotypeAliasLo1242_H      -11.7999  -37.4610    17.4032         5.9
## genotypeAliasLo1251_H       -4.1314  -43.1800    17.0810        -2.7
## genotypeAliasLo1253_H        2.5724  -32.1332    44.7378        -1.6
## genotypeAliasLo1261_H      -43.3077  -73.7736   -11.0536         2.9
## genotypeAliasLo1266_H       59.7490    1.5616    89.9647         2.3
## genotypeAliasLo1270_H       56.2168   22.8268    80.3427         0.7
## genotypeAliasLo1273_H       48.8018   25.7510   110.9303        -0.5
## genotypeAliasLo1274_H      117.1753   81.0150   138.2785        -0.6
## genotypeAliasLo1280_H       54.8899  -10.2374    91.8791        -7.3
## genotypeAliasLo1282_H       47.6600   11.0182    68.8865        -2.1
## genotypeAliasLo1284_H       21.8834  -29.9086    48.1765        -1.9
## genotypeAliasLo1288_H      -45.8825  -76.9416   -17.3575         0.1
## genotypeAliasLo1290_H       77.0138   52.6216   105.5618         2.2
## genotypeAliasLo1301_H       -3.0395  -33.9849    40.4051        -0.5
## genotypeAliasLo904_H       -48.7885  -64.3949   -21.4116         0.9
## genotypeAliasLp5_H         -11.7427  -48.4239    30.8460        -0.5
## genotypeAliasML606_H        41.2114   -3.4566    75.8595         0.3
## genotypeAliasMo15W_H        29.1897   -2.4116    54.2159        -2.6
## genotypeAliasMo17         -311.3684 -348.9074  -268.7304         2.8
## genotypeAliasMo17_H         59.4307   17.8201    90.1305         1.3
## genotypeAliasMS153        -121.9660 -159.1261   -86.5114         3.2
## genotypeAliasMS153_H        48.2897   24.8366    86.1983         2.2
## genotypeAliasMS153_SILK     38.6684    7.3362    65.3203        -0.7
## genotypeAliasMS71_H        -29.9832  -65.2146     4.9583        -2.5
## genotypeAliasN16_H           4.9523  -32.6605    45.1150         0.1
## genotypeAliasN192_H        -32.9331  -56.1907    -9.8912         1.9
## genotypeAliasN22_H         -67.5221 -105.8310   -46.4097        -9.5
## genotypeAliasN25_H         -46.7615  -69.9110   -17.5418         0.0
## genotypeAliasN6_H          -22.4501  -70.6346     6.9199        -0.2
## genotypeAliasNC290_H       -41.8737  -82.0667   -26.1801         1.4
## genotypeAliasNC358_H       -52.6064  -91.5945   -21.7539         3.7
## genotypeAliasNDB8_H         42.6665    5.3934    78.4731        -0.5
## genotypeAliasNK764_H       -27.3230  -63.5093    -7.2848        -0.5
## genotypeAliasNK807_H        -4.3148  -40.7752    34.7281        -1.8
## genotypeAliasNQ508_H        -0.0257  -49.4275    30.8960         0.2
## genotypeAliasNS501_H        14.9110  -26.0980    40.1399         0.2
## genotypeAliasNS701_H        38.3863   -4.7684    82.5674        -2.3
## genotypeAliasOh02_H          8.4133  -17.7441    45.2999         5.4
## genotypeAliasOh33_H          9.0987  -24.5244    37.5531        -1.2
## genotypeAliasOh40B_H       -32.4969  -56.8538   -17.5267         2.2
## genotypeAliasOh43         -207.9746 -236.1118  -151.4323         8.2
## genotypeAliasOh43_H        137.6866   97.1757   170.0401         6.0
## genotypeAliasOh43_SILK      62.9806   25.4393    83.5422        -4.1
## genotypeAliasOs426_H       -58.0389  -76.4178   -25.7680         3.6
## genotypeAliasP465P_H       -24.3036  -77.1944    16.6073        -1.2
## genotypeAliasPa35_H        -55.1760  -97.7421   -30.5173        -0.9
## genotypeAliasPa36_H        -15.7666  -41.7581     8.4925         1.1
## genotypeAliasPa374_H       -13.4556  -48.2506    39.6466        -0.9
## genotypeAliasPa405_H       -10.9355  -39.2599    21.7862        -1.0
## genotypeAliasPa91_H         79.0610   34.4282   124.5759        -4.7
## genotypeAliasPB116_H        31.9436  -10.5747    54.4968        -4.9
## genotypeAliasPB98TR_H      -29.5586  -60.5039    -8.0206        -5.0
## genotypeAliasPH207_H       -93.3195 -127.1792   -71.9081        -1.6
## genotypeAliasPHB09_H       -46.7440  -79.0350   -20.1476        -6.8
## genotypeAliasPHG35_H        60.6127    6.1538    82.8289        -3.5
## genotypeAliasPHG39_H        28.2011   -7.1656    59.7728        -1.7
## genotypeAliasPHG47_H        82.1234   10.0487   116.0044        -4.3
## genotypeAliasPHG50_H        59.7727   31.6362   100.0496         0.2
## genotypeAliasPHG71_H        21.9966  -25.1502    52.7295        -2.2
## genotypeAliasPHG80_H       -53.9288  -95.1778   -20.7154         0.4
## genotypeAliasPHG83_H       -73.0015 -122.4170   -51.9958         0.2
## genotypeAliasPHG84_H        90.0107   68.0902   118.5824        -1.4
## genotypeAliasPHG86_H       -20.3597  -73.7470     7.3174        -2.8
## genotypeAliasPHH93_H        43.9510  -18.2044    69.9202        -5.9
## genotypeAliasPHJ40_H        94.4187   70.6233   115.8367         2.6
## genotypeAliasPHK29_H        40.6430   12.1787    86.6364        -0.8
## genotypeAliasPHK76_H         5.6263  -18.3114    39.2293        -0.8
## genotypeAliasPHR36_H        96.0153   37.4911   138.8841        -4.5
## genotypeAliasPHT77_H        59.3523   42.3303    86.8147         1.0
## genotypeAliasPHV63_H        56.4534   28.0692    81.7999        -2.8
## genotypeAliasPHW65_H        -0.7724  -44.9244    24.3476        -5.9
## genotypeAliasPHZ51_H       117.2205   87.8109   149.9307        -1.1
## genotypeAliasPP147_H        21.3939  -32.8841    54.2785         1.8
## genotypeAliasSC-Malawi_H   -10.1327  -38.6521    17.7138         0.6
## genotypeAliasUH_2500_H      -6.3234  -34.6501    37.2207        -0.5
## genotypeAliasUH250_H        70.8540   40.8624    96.9486        -0.7
## genotypeAliasUH304_H       -46.4057 -105.7144   -16.6218        -2.6
## genotypeAliasUH_6102_H      24.2133    2.7987    56.3390        -0.3
## genotypeAliasUH_6179_H     -51.0781  -87.7474   -24.2470        -1.6
## genotypeAliasUH_P024_H    -132.9016 -157.4648   -93.0016         4.2
## genotypeAliasUH_P060_H      37.8416   -0.1161    77.6244        -4.1
## genotypeAliasUH_P064_H      12.8759  -23.6575    34.2524         2.4
## genotypeAliasUH_P074_H     -65.5361  -98.2608   -43.0155         2.8
## genotypeAliasUH_P087_H     -36.2252  -56.0842    -6.4146         1.0
## genotypeAliasUH_P089_H      17.0583   -3.6671    46.8271        -1.9
## genotypeAliasUH_P104_H     103.0462   65.4691   132.6336        -4.5
## genotypeAliasUH_P115_H      85.5897   61.1030   111.4937         0.4
## genotypeAliasUH_P128_H      78.8203   50.5082   113.9136        -1.9
## genotypeAliasUH_P148_H     -30.2066  -64.6634    -3.2706        -2.2
## genotypeAliasUH_S018_H      -8.3702  -28.9768    12.2129        -1.5
## genotypeAliasUH_S020_H     -45.7264  -97.2854   -13.8611        -2.7
## genotypeAliasUH_S025_H      82.7534   49.9840   108.8224        -2.6
## genotypeAliasVa26_H         43.8857   19.3223    75.1117         2.9
## genotypeAliasW117         -144.4556 -194.3770   -86.2115         3.7
## genotypeAliasW117_H        128.1677   86.0450   173.1891         2.1
## genotypeAliasW153R_H       -45.7736  -86.4146   -20.0249        -5.3
## genotypeAliasW182E_H       -14.7338  -31.4863     6.9002         0.5
## genotypeAliasW23_H          17.5847  -23.1603    49.1260        -2.7
## genotypeAliasW602S_H        26.3704   -3.3642    49.9855        -1.6
## genotypeAliasW604S_H       -51.7390  -88.5164   -24.1534         0.5
## genotypeAliasW64A_H        -60.4985  -86.3283   -36.6257        -0.6
## genotypeAliasW9           -474.3791 -533.2429  -433.1502         0.0
## genotypeAliasW95115_H       31.1635  -15.3837    49.6413        -1.1
## genotypeAliasW9_H          -39.7016 -103.1672     4.9525         1.8
## genotypeAliasWf9_H         139.4442  124.3776   170.3892         0.8
## genotypeAliasX061_H         60.9865   36.8142    88.0306        -1.4
## genotypeAliasX697_H         33.9312    5.0678    61.6646        -1.9
## tau2.S                    4625.3717 2713.7318  5144.0853        -5.6
## tau2.T                   11305.8163 2148.5654 45679.4499        20.5
## nu2                       6303.3624 6165.8336  9365.4338         2.5
## rho.S                        0.4136    0.2237     0.4799        -7.8
## rho.T                        0.9099    0.6090     0.9999       -18.1
##           DIC           p.d          WAIC           p.w          LMPL 
##    496887.000      2147.925    504149.917      6642.962   -249609.718 
## loglikelihood 
##   -246295.575

Outlier detection

The output report can be over-sized (more than 1Mb), for size of sub-directories in packages purposes, I choose to represent only the first genotypes…

  for (i in seq(1,length(mygeno),by=15)){

Session info

## R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
## Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
## Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18363)
## Matrix products: default
## locale:
## [1] LC_COLLATE=French_France.1252  LC_CTYPE=French_France.1252   
## [3] LC_MONETARY=French_France.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C                  
## [5] LC_TIME=French_France.1252    
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] openSilexStatR_1.1.0 dplyr_1.0.2          lubridate_1.7.9     
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] tidyr_1.1.2        splines_4.0.2      dotCall64_1.0-0    gtools_3.8.2      
##  [5] assertthat_0.2.1   expm_0.999-5       CARBayesdata_2.2   sp_1.4-2          
##  [9] stats4_4.0.2       yaml_2.2.1         LearnBayes_2.15.1  truncdist_1.0-2   
## [13] pillar_1.4.6       backports_1.1.9    lattice_0.20-41    glue_1.4.2        
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## [25] CARBayesST_3.1     gmodels_2.18.1     purrr_0.3.4        scales_1.1.1      
## [29] gdata_2.18.0       tibble_3.0.3       farver_2.0.3       generics_0.0.2    
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## [37] deldir_0.1-28      memoise_1.1.0      evaluate_0.14      GGally_2.0.0      
## [41] fs_1.4.2           nlme_3.1-148       MASS_7.3-51.6      foreign_0.8-80    
## [45] truncnorm_1.0-8    class_7.3-17       data.table_1.13.0  tools_4.0.2       
## [49] shapefiles_0.7     lifecycle_0.2.0    matrixStats_0.56.0 stringr_1.4.0     
## [53] munsell_0.5.0      compiler_4.0.2     pkgdown_1.5.1      e1071_1.7-3       
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## [65] crosstalk_1.1.0.1  labeling_0.3       rmarkdown_2.3      SpATS_1.0-11      
## [69] boot_1.3-25        testthat_2.3.2     gtable_0.3.0       codetools_0.2-16  
## [73] reshape_0.8.8      DBI_1.1.0          R6_2.4.1           gridExtra_2.3     
## [77] knitr_1.29         rgdal_1.5-16       rprojroot_1.3-2    spdep_1.1-5       
## [81] KernSmooth_2.23-17 desc_1.2.0         matrixcalc_1.0-3   stringi_1.4.6     
## [85] Rcpp_1.0.5         vctrs_0.3.4        sf_0.9-5           leaflet_2.0.3     
## [89] spData_0.3.8       tidyselect_1.1.0   xfun_0.16          coda_0.19-3


  1. R Development Core Team (2015). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. ISBN 3-900051-07-0, URL http://www.R-project.org.
  2. Roger S. Bivand, Edzer Pebesma, Virgilio Gomez-Rubio, 2013. Applied spatial data analysis with R, Second edition. Springer, NY. http://www.asdar-book.org/
  3. Duncan Lee, Alastair Rushworth and Gary Napier (2017). CARBayesST: Spatio-Temporal Generalised Linear Mixed Models for Areal Unit Data. R package version 2.5. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=CARBayesST