this function models each curve of genotype using smoothing splines anova

fitGSS(datain, trait, loopId)



input dataframe


character, trait of interest to model (example biovolume, PH ...)


a column name that contains ident of Genotype-Scenario


a list containing 2 objects

a list of each output of ssanova

a dataframe of kullback-Leibler projection


the input dataframe must contain the following columns: the trait to model, the ident of Genotype-Scenario, thermalTime, repetition columns

Each time course is modelled by a nonparametric smoothing spline. This is a piecewise cubic polynomial (Eubank, 1999). Then a functional ANOVA decomposition (Gu, 2014) of all the fitted splines for each genotype by environmental treatment combination is realised, by taking into account the replicate effect and a temporal functional effect. The smoothing spline fitting and the functional ANOVA decompositions are be performed with the gss R package.

See also

project.ssanova, ssanova


# \donttest{ data(plant1) selec<-c("Lo1199_H","Lo1124_H","Lo1038_H","A3_H") mydata<-plant1[plant1[,"genotypeAlias"] %in% selec,] fm1<-fitGSS(datain=mydata,trait="biovolume",loopId="genotypeAlias") # }